You just may be going through a hard-confusing time in your life this season, but be sure to know that there is more than one season in your life.
The Prophet Solomon in his wisdom, wrote the book of Ecclesiastes around 930 BC. It is a book of Life, Hope and Truth. Three of the verses stand out to me (Eccl.3:1-4-6).
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
Whatever season you are in now, be it struggling with anxiety, addiction, anger, depression, fear, relationship, career etc., we shall come along side of you to work together to take charge of your life once more. As an experienced and trained therapist, we shall work together to care for your emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
Dr. Charles Cairo, CMAC, CCJS is the director and chief counselor for the Fire Escape. Along with therapy, he implores scripture with prayer in his counseling practice. In case this might make you feel uncomfortable, he will always ask your permission before he prays.
Get the right help starting today
Give us a call today to schedule our first meeting to assess your needs and answer all your questions at no charge. Call 312.719.6936 or e-mail me at:

The Fire Escape Counseling is a service of the Fire Escape Ministry, EFBC
And now a word or two about Life-coaching: To a man the thought of sharing an hour or more talking about his emotion makes most men feel so uncomfortably nervous that makes them want to run right out to the nearest gun-range. Men prefer coaching because it is more action oriented, and after a good experience with their coach they soon become open to therapy. Rev. Charles E. Cairo, CMAC, CCJS is the chief counselor for the Fire Escape Counseling and Life-Coaching service and is looking to hear from you shortly to schedule your first free session.

Jane Nakashima-Cairo, ACSW, LCSW and Rev. Dr. Charles E. Cairo, MAC, CCJS are both board members of the Fire Escape Ministry, an interdenominational outreach of The Evangelical Free Bible Convention